Happy Birthday J-Dalt! You're one hot 40-year old!
(and those are some good-lookin' young'uns you're with)
Last night was one of those special nights when everyone was out and every place I went felt like the center of the action. It started with a beautiful gift from our friends at Luhring Augustine--Sweet Earth a lovely book of Joel Sternfeld's photos of communes across America, including my very own Springtree! Followed that up with a lovely artwalk with the goddess-like Amelia Abdullahsani. A visit to Feigen and a lovely chat with them about my forthcoming Jeremy Blake Remembrance. The show ends the 19th so go now. They're being really helpful even though this whole thing isn't easy for anyone.
Robert Jack at Josee Bienvenu. Peeked in a bunch of places. Saw Mike Cockrickrill has climbed the next rung up to Kent Gallery. Across the street, Pace was in full swing with a huge Rauschenberg show. It was a real celebration: full of fur coats, television cameras, frustrated paparazzi, art students with little cameras, good-looking people in %$#*-off clothes... the usual stuff.
But the best part was a jubilant Chuck Close in his amazing chair. This chair is a wonderful marriage between a segue scooter and a standard motorized wheelchair. It balances perpetually on two wheels (side by-side) letting him move nimbly and with constant shifting of weight, as when one stands. Very significantly, it raises him up to eye-level, which is a step forward in terms of dignity. He greeted me very warmly and I thanked him for his many contributions (I think it's important for people to hear the word thank-you from time to time).
The tour ended at Schroeder-Romero and Winkleman. A little Williamsburg community in exile. Met old friends and saw new friends. Met up with the Cole and finished with a lovely little dinner/cocktail party honoring Jen Dalton's birthday. Tchin-tchin!
It was one of those evenings where life and culture are a giant celebration. And I was surfing perfectly from moment to moment.
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